The neoclassical convent which houses the French Lycée of Jerusalem is located on the Street of the Prophets (Rehov Hanevi’im). The High School was built between 1887 and 1930 in stages. The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Apparition continued their teaching there, which they had begun in the old town in 1880. However, it was interrupted at the start of the Second World War. The creation of the school was due to the fact that, due to the lack of education in French in Jerusalem, the representatives of the U.N.T.S.O., the French Consulate and the United Nations Development Program undertook to found a Little French School ; the Six Day War having begun. The school's statutes were then drawn up, and the first Management Committee was created on April 20, 1967. The school legalized its existence on September 18, 1968 under the name “French School of Jerusalem”. Between 1970 and 1973 French courses (for beginners and advanced) were set up. In 1974, French lessons were given for Arabs wishing to learn the French language. Secondary education was inaugurated in the establishment in 1971. In 2001, the second Intifada intensified and made it difficult for students and teachers to go to high school. In 2017, the high school celebrated its fiftieth anniversary with the presence of the Director of A.E.F.E, the Consul General of France in Jerusalem, former principals and former students of all generations.