The Association of Friends of the French High School of Jerusalem (A..A.L.F.J) organizes extra-curricular activities for students in kindergarten, primary and middle school classes during the afternoons.
Below, three documents in .pdf format for download
(Click each time on the corresponding logo)
Extracurricular activities regulations
Details of extra-curricular activities
Extra-curricular activities membership form
By clicking on the logo below, you can go to the A.A.L.F.J website to view the details of the activities


Elementary school after-school care
In accordance with elementary school regulations, the Lycée cannot be held responsible for students who remain in the school beyond 2:30 pm.
We offer a day-care service to allow your child to stay in the playground until 3:30 pm and ensure supervision.
This service will be billed at 160 NIS per bimester for 3 or 4 days, or 80 NIS per bimester for 1 or 2 days.
Any elementary school child who remains in the schoolyard from 2:30 to 3:30 pm will be enrolled either in the Lycée Français garderie or in an AALFJ activity.
If you wish to register your child, please return the coupon (attached) duly completed and signed to the administration.\
The Headmistress
Baya BALIl
(Click on the links below)
Nursery school registration and fees (.pdf format)
Daycare rates for elementary classes (.pdf format)
Daycare registration for elementary classes (.pdf format)