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The Documentation and Information Center of the Establishment is a reception area for all the pupils of the establishment from the CP class, the staff and the teachers. It is a center of resources and documentary information and multimedia. The large and welcoming CDI is a place of communication between students, teachers and the librarian. It is a place to encourage reading. It allows documentary research using computer tools. It helps relaxation and information through books, magazines, comics, etc...



Primary: 1 book over 3 weeks College-High School: 4 books over 3 weeks




To carry out work or research that requires the use of documents (dictionaries, encyclopedias, documentary works, periodicals, Internet, etc.).


To relax by reading comics, newspapers, novels, to borrow books. Some books can be consulted on site (comics, dictionaries, encyclopedias).


All loans must be made from the documentalist. For special documentary research sessions with the professor. At the CDI any student can ask for help to choose a book, or find a photo or digital document, organize a file.


The CDI is a place of reading where calm must be essential and the student is required to respect certain golden rules: Respect for places, people and equipment Work or read in silence so as not to disturb neighbors Any drink or food is prohibited. We'll put away his cell phone.


â–º SPACES The CDI is made up of a large room divided into different spaces: Reading area divided into 2 parts: children's literature: the stories and documentaries arranged in a separate corner will encourage reading. general literature: it will help middle and high school students to study classic works, to relax by reading comics, novels, to learn by reading documentaries. Workspace: tables and chairs allow students to prepare presentations and various research works in silence.

Usual space: these are books for daily and direct consultation (some do not come out of the CDI): dictionaries, encyclopedias, school textbooks, etc.

Periodicals area: the CDI subscribes to magazines for children and adults in order to enrich personal knowledge. Multimedia space: 11 computers are available to students for independent or group work. Access to the Internet is subject to compliance with the charter which specifies the rules of use. We consult the Internet only for documentary research and not for games and videos. Internet access is controlled and outside playgrounds.



Our CDI has been completely renovated, here are some photographs

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