(Zone Europe du Sud)
Presentation of the Southern Europe Zone (SEZ)
14 countries (including 7 in the European Union) 14 national languages
An exceptional archaeological heritage The presence of the three major monotheistic religions The SEZ is characterized by its great diversity, its linguistic, cultural and heritage richness. These characteristics are found in the establishments, school populations and staff.
The 11,800 students were enrolled at the start of the 2016 school year in 26 approved establishments (4 directly managed establishments, 11 approved establishments and 11 partner establishments including 4 managed by the MLF).
The smallest establishment educates around thirty students and the largest nearly 1,500 students. While the percentage of students of French nationality is on average 41.5%, it varies from 24% to 95%. The same is true for national students. All these approved establishments uphold the universal values ​​of tolerance, humanism, equal opportunities, intellectual curiosity and promotion of critical thinking that characterize the French school and the schools of this dynamic, attractive and open international network.
They allow students to follow a schooling without interruption, from kindergarten to the baccalaureate. THE ZONE PROJECT An approach: The zone project allows for a period of 3 years (2014-2017) to set a framework for collective action in the South-Eastern Europe zone and constitutes a working tool for all establishments. It must allow to feed the policies of the establishments, federate "Zone" initiatives and strengthen the collective sense of belonging of French establishments that share the same values.
The result of a participatory approach, our zone project was the subject of consultation during the last seminars. It is part of the objectives of the AEFE Strategic Orientation Plan (POS). The axes:
Axis 1 - Educational excellence for each student Continue and consolidate the implementation of the École du socle Promote science Use digital technology to train, to individualize learning, to experiment, represent, share and communicate Enrich multilingual and multicultural skills Improve the support of students with specific needs
Axis 2 - "Living" and "growing" together in an establishment Build a harmonized school life from kindergarten to high school integrated into its environment Make high school students actors in the policy of the establishment, the zone and the network Develop cultural skills through heritage Promote the values ​​of the Republic and civic education Promote the mobility of high school students for cultural and linguistic openness
Axis 3 - The professionalization of organizations and actors 1. Improve student information on French higher education Improve staff training by a better analysis of needs and more appropriate responses to help develop practices Share the culture of governance.
Z.E.S. zone map