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The school board is responsible for everything concerning the school's pedagogical and educational issues. It cannot replace the management committee or the AEFE in their own areas. It adopts its own rules of procedure.

The Governing Board adopts: the school project, on the proposal of the school council and the secondary education council; the internal regulations of the establishment; school timetables and the calendar of the school year; the job card proposal.

The governing board issues an opinion on: proposals for changing teaching structures and class composition; educational action projects; the programming and financing of school trips; the organization of school life; questions relating to hygiene, health and safety, and related works; welcoming and caring for students with disabilities; the plan of training actions, on the proposal of the continuing education unit ​


Below is the list of members;


Heqdmaster: Ms BALI Baya


Attaché de coopération éducative: M. VREVIN Stéphane


Général: Secretary M. ARROUES Francis


Conseillère principale d’éducation: Ms BERKOWICZ Roxane


Substitites personnesl:                  Ms MELLOUL AZOGUI Nathalie

                                                               Ms RICHARD Anne

                                                               Ms STUCZYNSKI Marlène


Personnel representatives (substitutes)              Ms BAMBERGER Sophie

                                                                                            Ms KAZAZIAN Anne

                                                                                            Ms KOSKAS Carine

Parents representatives:          M. BRIAIS Matthieu

                                                           Ms RWAIDAH Nisreen

                                                           M. NAZZAL Fadi


 Parents representatives(substitutes):  M. HALLOUN Nizar 


Pupils representants:   M. NASRALLAH Sari


Pupils representants(substitute):  M. KHOURY Elias

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