Elementary Day Care
According to the elementary school rules, the school cannot be responsible for the pupils who stay at school after 2:30pm. Actually a lot of elementary school pupils stay at school after 2:30.
We propose starting this school year, an elementary school Day Care from Monday to Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30.
This new service will cost 160 NIS/ bismestre for 3 or 4 days a week and 80 NIS/bimestre for 1 or 2 days a week.
None of the elementary pupils can stay in the school yards if he is not registered at the Day Care or the after school activities.
If you wish to register your child, you must fill in, sign and return this form (in enclose) to administration.
The Headmistress
(Click on links below)
Inscription et tarifs de la garderie en Maternelle (au format .pdf)
Inscription et tarifs de la garderie en Élémentaire (au format .pdf)